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Friday, June 20, 2008

Kluay Buad Che

Main Ingredient
1. Ripe banana 12 Fruits
2. Coconut milk 1,000 g.
3. Coconut cream 200 g.
4. Sugar 200 g.
5. Salt 5 g.
* 30 grams = 1oz. , 1kilogram = 2.24 lbs.

* Serve size 12 persons

Cooking Method

-Peel banana and divide into 4 pieces
-Dissolve sugar and salt in the coconut milk
-Heat the coconut milk until slightly boiled, add the bananas, heat until boiling
-Add coconut cream and boil

Nutrition Fact
Energy(kCal.) 193.2 / Protein(g.) 1.31 / Fat(g.) 10 / Carbohydrate(g.) 24.49 / Fiber(g.) 1.23 / Calcium(mg.) 6.69 / Iron(mg.) 0.53

Strong point of Kluay Buad Che Fat and fibers and high calories

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