Thai food is regarded as have outstanding character specially . because of . Thailand is rice cradle . wet dock . there is the food as its nature may be that have . the special properties follows the weather and various topography through all year . and a Thai has the arts is on the phone the blood sure . then express which . the arts and sciences of the self in dressing up format and eating that have the particularities . since . about mixxing round . swallow in dressing up smell . taste . give mellow delicious and spicy outstandingly specially . in about format arrangement and carve . decorate beautiful exquisite colour . in about way worth food integration and way medicine properties for . be effective good build the health . topmost both of in the sense of the prevention . the preservation and the preservation . including . using food is relationship symbol in friend relatives . and position social symbol . and using food is mass way belief media and the ceremonial many .
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